Monday, October 31, 2011

The conscious and subconscious mind

The conscious mind has the ability to think.It can accept or reject.But the subconscious only accepts.It makes no distinction regarding input.If we feed our mind with thoughts of fear,doubts and hate,the auto suggestions will activate and translate those things into reality.The subconscious is like a data bank.The subconscious is like the automobile while the conscious is like the driver.Of the two,the subconscious is more powerful.The power is in the automobile but control is with the driver.
The subconscious mind can work for us or against us.It is not rational.If we are not successful,we need to reprogram the subconscious.

By now you probably know that quitting a habit or achieving
an important goal can be extremely difficult. You could
go crazy trying to succeed at just one seemingly
simple thing, only to fail again and again.

You may have already given up on yourself. But don't
quit just yet - there is a way to begin living the life you
want and more.

We are all born to lead successful lives, but our conditioning leads us to failure.We are bron to win but conditioned to lose.We often hear comments like,"This person is just lucky,he touches dirt and it turns to gold'or, "He is unlucky ;no matter what he touches,it turns to dirt' These comments are not true of anyone.
If you were to analyse the lives of the lucky and unlucky individuals being commented on, you'd find that the successful person is doing something right in each transaction,and the failure is repeating the same mistke time and again.Practice does not make perfect -only perfect practise makes perfect.Practice make permanent whatever you do repeatedly .

You really truly have everything you need already inside
you. You can achieve anything you want - and
all you have to do is train your mind to work with
your subconscious mind. It's like training for success.
And i will show you how to get the most
out of yourself and your inner powers - so that life
becomes easier and more fulfilling.

The mind is an incredibly powerful tool - yet we only
use a small portion of it and when we do - and we
use that portion poorly. Researchers have proven
that our mental state has a direct impact on our body.
If you're stressed - you stand a better chance of
getting sick. If you're worried, you stand a better chance
of getting sick. The mind is an incredibly powerful tool -
and when you use it correctly - you'll be able to get back
on track, discover what you want and why and start
creating wonderful opportunities in your life. Why?
Because your subconscious will pick up the messages
from your mind and act on it.

We create what we think and what we think sends out
a vibration that attracts similar thoughts and people who
share similar thoughts. Think of thoughts as vibrations -
that are picked up by the subconscious and the universe
and manifested in reality. Beliefs have powerful vibrations
and will be manifested sooner.

So if you constantly say you don't know what you want
to do, or you're not sure, or you can't figure it out -
you're only going to create more confusion and you're
only going to attract situations that will confuse you even
more. Stop this never-ending cycle of confusion and begin
thinking about what you want. Negative thoughts create
negative beliefs, which are negative vibrations - in the
end you attract negative situations, negative people and
a negative lifestyle.

Begin creating the right vibrations, and the
right energy to attract the opportunities,
people and situations to help you achieve your
goals. With bhrama vidya you'll learn how
to get your mind and subconscious mind working
for you. When you work with our vidya
within days you'll begin creating the
right energy and discover how to attract
opportunities to that you start succeeding.
Start today.

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