Monday, October 31, 2011

Vaata-naashak mudra

The Vaata-naashak mudra brings about a reduction of the Vaata humor with in the body.

Method: This mudra is formed by first placing the tips of the index and the middle fingers on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon these fingers.

Effects: practice of Vaata-naashak mudra pacifies the aggravated Vaat humor. It is, therefore, an excellent mudra for people with a pronounced Vaata constitution (vaata dosha). In fact, they can regularly perform this mudra even to avoid illness. However, people who already have a deficiency of Vaata e.g., mudra in moderation, if at all.

Benefits: Vaata-naashak mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
1. Chronic/easy fatigue,
2. Lack of stamina/endurance,
3. Indecisiveness, impatience, timidity, inexplicable fear, etc.,
4. Poor memory, forgetfulness,
5. Sleeplessness,
6. Intolerance of cold weather/wind,
7. Under weight, emaciation, inexplicable weight loss,
8. All painful conditions e.g. headache, earache, toothache, throat pain
9. Numbness in body-parts,
10. Tremors, shivering,
11. Unsteady gait(talk), Parkinsonism, giddiness, vertigo,
12. Creaking joints, osteo-Arthritis,
13. Cold. Dry, cracked skin, nails, hair,
14. Irregular, scantly, painful menses,
15.Hoarseness of voice, stammering,
16. Constipation, flatulence (gas)
17. Scanty urination (oliguria),
18 Scanty sweating,
!9. Disorders caused by an excess of air element within the body (see Vaayu-shaamak mudra).

Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stratch or in three parts(i.e, for 15 minutes, thrice a day).
Ideal time: though Vaat-naashak mudra can be performed at anyti me of the day, practicing it any time other than 2.00 to 6.oo am/pm gives better results..

Note : A person desirous o f enhancing or boosting the effects of Vaata-kaarak mudra can combine it with Kapha-kaarak mudra.


Popularly known as Gyaan mudra this mudra increases the vaayu(air) element within the body.

Mehtod: This mudra is formed by joining together, the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb

Effects: Vaayu-vardhak mudra increase the vaayu (air) element with in the body. thus reinforced the air

  • empowers the mind , causing a positive effect on emotions and leading to enlightenment,

  • empowers the nervous system(including the brain)

  • facilitates movements of electrical impluses alnog nerves,

  • empowers the pituitary gland and thereby, the entire system of endocrine glands,

  • empowers muscles, both voluntary and involuntary,

  • empowers the vocal cords and the voice,

  • empowers the heart, increasing its efficiencey,

  • renders the skin and mucous membranes dry,

  • renders the joins and articular cartilage dry.

  • The elemnet Air is also a component of bodily humor Vaata. The increase of air in the body due to Vaayu-vardhak mudra reinforces the Vaata humor. therefore, this mudra is an excellent mudra to overcome vaata-deficiency. How ever, it should be practised in moderation by people who already have a Vaata constitution(i.e, and excess of vaata in their bodies).

    Benifits :

    Vaay-vardhak mudra can be used to treat the following disorders:

  • Dullness of mind, lack of enthusiasm-inititaive creativity, recklessness, loss of memory,

  • Drosiness, lethargy, mental retardation,

  • Disorders of the nervous system like cerebral palsy, neuritis, neuropathies, Alzheimer's disease, Tabes dorsalis, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, Ataxias, Dementias, Syringomyelia, etc,

  • Degeneration of the retina, optic atropy,

  • endrocine (hormonal) disorders like hypopituitarism (causing dwarfism, Simmond's disease. Frohlick's syndrome), Hypothyroidism(causing cretinism, Myxoedema), Hypoparathyroidism, Hypoadrenalism(causing Addison's disease), diabetes, hypogonadism, etc.

  • Muscular disorders like myopathies, myesthenia gravis, paresis, paralysis(viz paralytic squint, ptosis, facail palsy, vocal paralysis, respiratory paralysis, monoplegia, paraplegia, hemiplegia, quadriplegia, etc.)

  • Lost or feeble voice,

  • Bradycardia(Slow heart beats), weakness or gradual failure of the heart,

  • formation of excessive mucous in repiratory and or digestive tracts,

  • effusion in joints.

  • Duration: 45 minutes every day, either at one stretch or in three parts(i.e for 15 minutes, thrice a day)

    Ideal time: Though Vaayu-vardhak or gyaan mudra can be performed at any time of the day, practising it at any time between 2.00 to 6.00 am/pm gives better results.

    Precaution : People with a pronounced Vaata prakruti (constitution) should perform this mudra in moderation, if at all.

    Aakaash-shaamak or shoonya mudra

    Popularly known as shoonya mudra, this mudra decrease the Aakaash(space) element with in the body .
    Method: this mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the middle finger on base of the thumb and tehn bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger. The amounts to suppression of element space(residing in the middle finger) by element fire(residng in the thumb).
    Effects: aakaash-shaamak mudra decrease the Aakaash(space) element with in the body. It can, therefore, be used to treat disorders (enlisted below) caused by an abnormal increase of space within the body. The element space is associated with ears.
    Therefore Aakaash-shaamak mudra helps certain ear disorders. In fact, it is an almost fail proof remedy for ear-pain.
    The decreased internal space restricts the rest of the four bodily elements i.e, vaayu(air), agni(fire), jal(water) and pirthvi(earth). Therfore, aakaash-shaamak mudra can be beneficially combined with Vaayu-shamaak, Agni-shammak, Pritvi-shammak and jal-shammak mudras.
    The element aakaash is also a component of bodily humor Vaata. The decrease of space in the body form the practice of Aakaash-shammak mudra pacifies the (aggravated) Vaata. Therfore, this mudra is especially suitable for people having a pronounced Vaata constitution (Vaata dosha).
    Benefits: Aakash-shamak mudra can be used to treat the following disorders:
    1. Feeling of emptiness or numbers in the body or body parts like the head, the chest, the abdomen, etc.,
    2. Ear ailments like pain, tinnitus(noises), vertigo and acquired deafness.

    duration: In case of acute ear-pain, incapacitating vertigo or severe numbness, perform this mudra continuously till the disorder subsides. For chronic ear ailments or numness perform this mudra for 45 minutes either at one stretch or in 3 parts(i.e., for 15 minutes thrice a day).

    Ideal time: for chronic disease, this mudra should, if possible be performed at anytime other than 2.00 to 6.00 am/pmgives better results.

    Precaution : Experienced doctors believe that the practice of this mudra should be discontinued as soon as the disease has been overcome.

    Linga mudra

    Linga mudra

    Linga is the Sanskrit term for phallus(the male genital organ) . this mudra increases bodily heat since it reinforces the fire element and the Pitta humor.
    Method : this mudra is formed by interlocking the palms but keeping the left thumb erct, pointing upwards.

    Effects: the thumb represents the element fire. This fire is reinforced by performing the linga mudra. The fire element which resides in the thumb is activated and is able to increase uninhibited.
    Benefits: the linga mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
    1.Shivering and chills due to intolerance of cold weather; hypothermia,
    2. Ailments caused by an overproduction/ accumulation of phlegm(mucous) in the body; such ailments include colds, sinusitis, productive(wet) cough, sticky stools, etc,
    3. Asthma and other respiratory ailments that occur at the change of weather,
    4. Sexual debility in males.

    Duration: This mudra is not to be performed on a regular basis, It should be performed only when needed (e.g., when suffering form chills) and should be discontinud once the ailment has been overcome.
    Precautions: 1. Overuse of Linga mudra may aggravate the Pitta humor within the body, causing sluggishness and lethargy.
    This mudra should not be performed when suffering form ailments of Pitta-excess especially fever.

    Achieve Goals By Your Subconscious mind

    You've probably heard that old saying - "If you put your mind to
    something you can achieve it." The only problem is that no one
    really ever taught you how to really put your mind to something so
    that you achieve it.

    Yes you can achieve anything if you instruct your mind and
    subconscious mind properly.

    Unfortunately most people don't know how to do this
    so they never end up achieving the life they

    Instead, they end up getting their mind and subconscious to create
    things they really don't want.

    If you don't get your mind and subconscious mind to focus on what
    you want - you'll likely end up getting what you don't want - it's
    really that simple!

    How can you stop creating what you don't want and get your mind and
    subconscious mind to actually work for you? I'll show you... read on
    and enjoy

    Most people don't control their mind; they don't instruct their
    subconscious mind because they don't control their thoughts.

    Most people are not even aware of the thoughts they have everyday,
    and they don't choose their beliefs. Instead their minds are
    constantly sending the wrong messages or wrong instructions to
    their subconscious mind.
    And that's how they end up creating the life that they don't want.

    Just about everyone wants to be successful and happy - but few have
    thoughts and beliefs that reflect success and happiness.

    Few people ever choose their thoughts, instead they leave their
    mind on autopilot, accepting whatever thoughts it conjures up and
    then they begin to believe these thoughts. They don't choose their
    beliefs; they merely accept what their minds and what other people
    tell them.

    I've spoken to people who try to do everything they can to be
    successful and happy but when I analyze their thoughts I find
    what they think is the exact opposite of what they want to achieve.
    Sure they want to be successful but they really don't have any
    thoughts or beliefs that suggest they can be successful.

    What ever you want to achieve you can if you have a belief system
    that allows you to succeed. If you want to make more money you have
    to have a belief system that says you believe you can make more
    money. If you want to meet the right person you have to believe
    that you can meet the right person. If you want to succeed at
    something you have to believe that you can succeed at it.

    So how do you create beliefs that correspond with what you want to

    First think about what you want to achieve.

    Then ask yourself if you really believe that you can accomplish
    this particular goal. If you don't believe you can there's work to
    do and you're going to have to change your belief system so that it
    allows you to succeed.

    To change your belief system you have to analyze your thoughts and
    all the thoughts and beliefs that you have about achieving that goal.
    For example: if you want to make more money but you're not making
    the kind of money you want then list why you don't think you can
    make more money.

    Now change those thoughts to correspond with what you want.
    These are your new thoughts, statements or affirmations that you
    should think and recite through out the day. Replace those limiting
    thoughts with these new thoughts.

    If you want to achieve success and happiness then you have to
    create thoughts and beliefs that will allow you to achieve those
    Begin changing your thoughts.
    Begin creating beliefs that work for you.
    Eliminate the negative thoughts and beliefs.
    Start creating the life you want today.

    Think of your mind as a station that sends out energy signals -
    these energy signals are your thoughts and beliefs.

    These energy patterns are picked up by your subconscious mind which
    then goes out and creates the situations, circumstances, and events
    to help
    you achieve what ever your thoughts and beliefs are. It also
    attracts the people to you and guides you to the people that can
    help you achieve your goals.

    The subconscious does not distinguish between what is good and bad
    for you. It simply acts on your instructions. Those instructions
    are your energy signals which are your thoughts and beliefs.

    So while you may want to achieve a certain goal, if you don't
    believe that you can, if you regularly think about why you can't do
    something instead of why you can, then you're instructing your
    subconscious to create situations for you so that you don't achieve
    your goals.

    This is why it is so important to eliminate negative thinking and
    create a positive thinking pattern.

    If you want to start achieving your goals and live the life you
    want then you have to change your thoughts and beliefs you have to
    send the right messages to your subconscious mind. Start
    instructing your subconscious mind to help you live the life you
    want today -

    Inevitably I get the following comment:
    "This all sounds great, but how soon can I get results?"
    How soon you get results really depends on how much you need to

    If you're a chronic negative thinker, if you have a doom and gloom
    or poor me attitude, it's going to take a little longer than
    someone who is already a little more positive. You're really
    changing the way you think and live and that change is not going to
    happen overnight. It's a one step at a time process.

    Once you get started things get easier.
    As you do what I just outlined everyday you'll begin to create a
    When you have a habit in place your way of thinking changes, then
    your beliefs change, your actions change and soon after your
    reality and your whole life begins to change.
    This is the process of applying the power of your mind and
    subconscious mind.
    Start directing the awesome power of your mind and subconscious
    mind today.

    I know some you may say: "Yeah, that sounds great, but does it
    really work?
    It does!

    Ask yourself: is the current negative thinking pattern helping me?
    Does your negative thinking pattern reflect what is going on in
    your life? If it does then you know that negative thinking pattern
    is shaping your life.

    For example: If you think or believe that it's difficult to make
    m'oney do you often find it difficult to make or save money? If
    you think it's difficult to meet the right person have you met the
    right person? Or do you meet the wrong kind of people?
    Whatever you think and believe becomes a part of you reality.
    Change your thoughts; create a new belief system that corresponds
    with what you want to achieve and you'll change your life. Get
    started today

    Here's to your success!

    PS:Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
    Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting
    yourself. Create all the success you want and deserve in life.
    Start Living Now

    The power of now

    Often talked about,never seen,ever coming,never been,daily looked for,never here still approaching.coming near.Thousands for its visit wait,but alas for their fate,though they expect me to appear, they will never find me here .What am I

    Future never comes past is over .We are here in now, think about it, live in it, experience it,Enjoy it,it is the way for ultimate bliss.
    To know the power of now keep reading.

    You ever catch yourself daydreaming or thinking about something
    that happened some time ago - or even something that may or may not
    happen in the future?

    Like most people everyday you probably think about something that
    happened in the past or you're focused on something that could
    happen in the future.

    When you you're thinking about the past or the future - you're not
    here - you're not living in the now. You're not here now and you're not
    living in the present moment.

    When you're not living in the now you fail to utilize what I call
    the power of now - which can dramatically improve your
    life in ways you never thought possible.

    Live in the present moment

    Life is not a dress rehearsal.I don't care what philosophy you believein-we have got only one shot at this game called life.The stakes are too high to waste your life. The stakes are the future generations.

    What time is it and where we are? The answer is now and we are here.Let's make most out of now and utilize the present to the fullest.The message is not that we don't need to plan for the future.The message is that we do need to plan for the future.If we utilize our present to its fullest,we are sowing the seeds for a better future.

    If you want to achieve success, happiness and live the life you
    want - start living in the now; be here now by experiencing the
    present moment for the gift that it is .

    Be Here Now

    We all live in the present moment but very few of us utilize the
    power of this current moment.

    The only thing that truly exists is what is happening right

    The past does not exist; it's over with and should be nothing but a
    fading memory.

    The future does not exist; it simply hasn't happened yet.

    Both the past and the future are only a part of your thoughts and
    memories; they only exist in your mind and not in reality.

    The only thing that really exists right now is the very present
    moment that you live in and from this present moment you can draw
    tremendous power; the kind of power that can change your life and
    allow you to achieve your goals.

    You may not like the present moment but that's only because
    you're thinking about what you feel the present should be. You're
    comparing the present moment to something else and not appreciating
    what is happening right now.

    I know some of you may say:
    right now I don't have a job and the bank is about to
    foreclose. Plus my wife/husband just left me and I'm stuck with 3
    kids. My present is not exactly pleasant."

    If you're present or current situation is not pleasant then you're
    comparing it to something else. You're probably thinking about what
    the now should be instead of dealing with what is going on.

    If you don't have a job then it's time to look for one.
    Don't focus on the fact that you don't have a job,
    and don't focus on how difficult it may seem to get a job.
    Instead, simply concentrate on going out and
    getting a job. You live in the present moment by doing what
    has to be done now and not worrying about the way things should be.

    At the end of the day see where you are and focus on what needs to
    be done next.

    If your children need attention right now then give them attention.
    If you need to go out and look for work right now then do it.
    Don't compare your present situation to anything. Accept what it is
    and make the most of it with the intention of making the present
    better with each step that you take.

    I'm not saying accept don't do anything to improve your current situation.

    Deal with your present situation and do everything you
    can to improve your life.

    When you begin working on the present moment with the intent of
    improving your life you begin to utilize the power of now you leave
    the past in the past, you don't concentrate on the future and
    instead you start living in the present moment doing everything
    that you can to improve your life now.

    When you do this you send a powerful message to your subconscious
    You tell your subconscious that you are here now and ready to get
    to work to improve your life.

    Your Subconscious mind then begins working for you because your
    subconscious only understands the present moment your subconscious
    does not understand the future or the past your subconscious only
    lives in the now; it only exists in the present moment.

    Understanding this process is one thing - practicing it is
    quite another thing.

    To start working with the power of now you have to get your mind
    simply focus on what is happening and what needs to be
    done right now. No more comparing or hoping for things to get better.
    Just deal with what is and what has to be done.

    When you do this you start moving forward and you allow your
    subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals because you're
    here now - working with your subconscious to create the situations
    that you want. Start living in the present moment and get your
    subconscious mind working for you today - visit:

    The Present is All That Exists

    You have memories, you will have feelings when you think about the
    past, but let's face it the past no longer exists.
    You can't step back in time and go into the past.
    The past is done with. It doesn't exist.

    You can't step into the future and see what happens. Despite what
    so called psychics and astrologers say there is no way of seeing
    the future or living in the future.
    It hasn't happened. One day that future will arrive and if you're
    not paying attention, if you're too focused on the past or still
    worrying about the future you'll miss it completely.

    The only thing that is taking place right now is the present moment.
    As you read this newsletter that's all that you're doing.
    When you're done... the moment that you are currently experiencing
    will never happen again! The now will never happen again!
    Your present moment will never happen again!

    Even when you think about the past you think about it in the
    present moment.
    You don't physically go back in time and remember the past.
    You only remember the past in this present moment.

    When you think about the future you do it in the present moment not
    in the future.

    When you think about the past and the future you are wasting the
    valuable time and power that you have in the present moment.

    The only reason people are unhappy is because they fail to live in
    the present moment, they fail to embrace the now.
    Instead, they often think about what their present moment should be
    and that always leads to unhappiness.

    It is impossible to have a problem and live in the present moment
    at the same time.
    When you live in the present moment your attention is completely
    focused on what is happening at that very moment.
    There are no thoughts of the future or the past.
    If you are at work - focus on work. If you are at home focus on the
    If you're with friends focus on your friends.

    When you do this your subconscious mind is released and free to
    start working on improving your life.

    Focus on the present moment.
    Allow your subconscious mind to work for you everyday by working
    with the power of the present moment.
    Begin directing your subconscious to help you
    achieve your goals
    How You Can Live In The Now

    If you're ready to start living in the now and begin creating the
    life that you want then take a look at your present situation and
    ask yourself what's wrong with the very moment you are in.

    Don't think about what happened yesterday or sometime in the past.
    Don't focus on what might or might not happen tomorrow.
    Take a look at the very moment you are in see if there is anything wrong.
    If you're at home is there something wrong?

    Don't say you are out of work that's not the present moment because
    you are looking at what is not happening.

    I want you to focus your mind on what is happening then see what is
    wrong with that picture.

    You should find nothing wrong with the present moment it is what it
    is and once you accept it you can start living again.

    Let's face it you can't turn your mind off but you can get it to
    work differently and that's what you should start doing.

    If you don't take control of your mind your mind will
    control you and that's not going to help you improve your life.

    Ask yourself these next questions:
    Do you find yourself waiting for something to happen?
    Are you waiting to get some more time? Make more money?
    Meet the right person? Are you waiting for the right opportunity?

    Waiting is another game the mind plays because it doesn't want to
    live in the present moment.

    If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you're not
    living in the present moment you are focusing on anything but the
    present moment.

    I know you can't focus on the present moment or live in the now 24
    hours a day.
    But start by doing this for a few minutes a day and then continue
    expanding the exercise everyday.

    Then track your progress. See how you feel when you only focus on
    what is happening right now. As you continually do this you'll see
    yourself starting to enjoy the process.

    Here's a suggestion. The next time you are driving or walking pay
    attention only to what is happening around you. Listen to the
    sounds, observe the people. Don't think about what you have to do
    or what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow or what
    might happen in five minutes.

    Focus your attention only on what is happening right now. Doing
    this will get your mind to start living in the present moment and
    before you know it you'll be able to focus your mind and utilize
    the power of now.

    Start utilizing the power of now - you'll be more focused and
    you'll enjoy the present moment. Best of all you'll start moving
    toward achieving your goals and living the life you want.
    Have Some Fun!

    Remember to have some fun.
    Enjoy life.
    Do things differently.
    Act like a kid when you can; kids are always living in the now
    that's all they know.
    Forget about your troubles and just do something completely
    different and have some fun.
    Once you start doing this you'll see things begin to fall into
    place. If you have a passion for sports then start playing a sport
    you like.
    If you have a passion for cooking make a meal or two over the next
    couple of days. Do what you enjoy and you'll start attracting more
    positive situations into you life.

    Be here now and start changing your life instantly

    You can achieve your goals.
    You can live the life you want.
    You can be here now and direct the awesome power of your
    subconscious mind
    Get started today.
    if you want to build a positive attitude,learn the phrase,"do it now"and stop the habit of procrastination.
    The saddest words in life are

    "It might have been."
    "It should have."
    "I could have"
    "I wish i had."
    "If only I had given a little extra."
    Never leave till tomorrow,which you can do today.
    -Benjamin Franklin

    The conscious and subconscious mind

    The conscious mind has the ability to think.It can accept or reject.But the subconscious only accepts.It makes no distinction regarding input.If we feed our mind with thoughts of fear,doubts and hate,the auto suggestions will activate and translate those things into reality.The subconscious is like a data bank.The subconscious is like the automobile while the conscious is like the driver.Of the two,the subconscious is more powerful.The power is in the automobile but control is with the driver.
    The subconscious mind can work for us or against us.It is not rational.If we are not successful,we need to reprogram the subconscious.

    By now you probably know that quitting a habit or achieving
    an important goal can be extremely difficult. You could
    go crazy trying to succeed at just one seemingly
    simple thing, only to fail again and again.

    You may have already given up on yourself. But don't
    quit just yet - there is a way to begin living the life you
    want and more.

    We are all born to lead successful lives, but our conditioning leads us to failure.We are bron to win but conditioned to lose.We often hear comments like,"This person is just lucky,he touches dirt and it turns to gold'or, "He is unlucky ;no matter what he touches,it turns to dirt' These comments are not true of anyone.
    If you were to analyse the lives of the lucky and unlucky individuals being commented on, you'd find that the successful person is doing something right in each transaction,and the failure is repeating the same mistke time and again.Practice does not make perfect -only perfect practise makes perfect.Practice make permanent whatever you do repeatedly .

    You really truly have everything you need already inside
    you. You can achieve anything you want - and
    all you have to do is train your mind to work with
    your subconscious mind. It's like training for success.
    And i will show you how to get the most
    out of yourself and your inner powers - so that life
    becomes easier and more fulfilling.

    The mind is an incredibly powerful tool - yet we only
    use a small portion of it and when we do - and we
    use that portion poorly. Researchers have proven
    that our mental state has a direct impact on our body.
    If you're stressed - you stand a better chance of
    getting sick. If you're worried, you stand a better chance
    of getting sick. The mind is an incredibly powerful tool -
    and when you use it correctly - you'll be able to get back
    on track, discover what you want and why and start
    creating wonderful opportunities in your life. Why?
    Because your subconscious will pick up the messages
    from your mind and act on it.

    We create what we think and what we think sends out
    a vibration that attracts similar thoughts and people who
    share similar thoughts. Think of thoughts as vibrations -
    that are picked up by the subconscious and the universe
    and manifested in reality. Beliefs have powerful vibrations
    and will be manifested sooner.

    So if you constantly say you don't know what you want
    to do, or you're not sure, or you can't figure it out -
    you're only going to create more confusion and you're
    only going to attract situations that will confuse you even
    more. Stop this never-ending cycle of confusion and begin
    thinking about what you want. Negative thoughts create
    negative beliefs, which are negative vibrations - in the
    end you attract negative situations, negative people and
    a negative lifestyle.

    Begin creating the right vibrations, and the
    right energy to attract the opportunities,
    people and situations to help you achieve your
    goals. With bhrama vidya you'll learn how
    to get your mind and subconscious mind working
    for you. When you work with our vidya
    within days you'll begin creating the
    right energy and discover how to attract
    opportunities to that you start succeeding.
    Start today.